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#1  2019-09-20 09:01:22

  johnjorge - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2019-07-20

How to export EDB to PST successfully?

Microsoft Exchange Server maintains the data in EDB file format such as priv1.edb where it stores the private data of user mailbox, pub1.edb stores public data of user mailbox, .stm where these files are created to store the email attachments in Exchange server 2003 and earlier versions only.
EDB files are the elementary for organizing data in Exchange server. When the EDB file got corrupt in order to access these files there is no way left to access this file expect EDB to PST Conversion.

Do you want to know how to repair exchange server with effective manner?
Download the EdbMails application for instant recovery of mailbox data. The EdbMails EDB to PST Converter software effectively recovers the corrupted Exchange database file and makes them accessible in Outlook PST files. Outlook PST files let the user to store the data on different location to access the mailbox items. Most of the company move towards the EdbMails EDB to PST Converter to improve the productivity of organization.


[b]Some advanced feature of EdbMails EDB to PST Converter
[/b]Free EDB Recovery
EdbMails demo and free trail recovers the entire mailbox from every single folder up to 30 items and maintains the source folder without data breach.
[url=]Exchange server recovery[/url] and migration
Supports the offline and online Exchange server recovery and migration in Exchange version 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2019.
Restore exchange EDB file into multiple option
EdbMails supports to save the recovers Exchange mailboxes in multiple Outlook file options such as PST, EML, MHT, HTML formats.
Based on file size automatic PST split
During the Exchange server recovery operation EdbMails application lets you to choose option to split the PST file in order to resolve the issues of mailbox size.
Exchange server mailbox review
Using EdbMails application it provides the option to preview the recovered mailbox items in tree view with all the mailbox items.
No dependency on Exchange server service and Active directory
You can recover any version of EDB files without the dependency on Exchange Server Service and Active directory.
Do you understand how EDB to PST Converter software important for the exchange user?

[/b]When compared to other manual methods which is available EdbMails EDB to PST Converter software is the suitable software to understand with simple graphical interface without complex steps and to convert EDB files to Outlook PST quickly.

[b]For more information Please visit:



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