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#1  2019-10-11 15:42:42

  johnjorge - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2019-07-20

Gmail to Office 365 migration software

Due to numerous  advantages of Office 365, most of the users looking  for  Gmail to Office 365 migration solution.

Microsoft will not offer any official method to migrate Gmail  to Office 365 account. EdbMails  Gmail to Office 365 migration tool allows you to directly migrate  Gmail to Office 365 server. The tool is highly reliable and easy to use.

[url=]Gmail Migration[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Features of  [url=]Gmail Migration to Office 365[/url]
The  software offers numerous advanced  features to perform the migration operation flawlessly

The tool allows to migrate multiple gmail accounts supports to migrate emails to Office 365
Sets impersonation rights automatically to target Office 365 user
Maps mailboxes automatically between Gmail and Office 365 users
Creates mailboxes automatically in target Office 365 server and assigns the license
The tool supports Unicode characters for migration operation
Allows to apply Include / Exclude filter option to migrate only the specific mail items
1:1 migration from source Gmail account to target Office 365 account without any alteration
Standalone software , doesn’t require  any intermediary apps for the migration operation
The tool directly migrates Gmail  to Office 365 . It also provides a Free Trial Version for verifying all the features  before purchasing the license . It offers 24*7 free tech support and  software upgrades with no additional costs.

Visit :



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