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#1  2009-02-23 21:27:06

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Mam zainstalowaną na serwerze debianowym kartę skystar2 i chciałbym jakoś udostępnić sygnał w mojej lokalnej sieci.Obecnie używam takiego sposobu:


dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 163 -a 92

Zastąpiłem wpisywanie aliasem:


alias 4fun="dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 163 -a 92"

Ale ten sposób wymaga zalogowania się na serwer. Może ma ktoś gotowy opis jak to zrobić.



#2  2009-02-23 23:19:50

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

dodac to do plikow startowych ... lub skozystac z vlc

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#3  2009-02-24 09:02:17

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Ale jak dodam do plików startowych to jednocześnie jeden program może być udostępniony.A vlc nie wiem jak skonfigórować.



#4  2009-02-24 15:43:42

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

no ale jak ma byc wybor kanalu to musisz poinformowac serwer o tym jaki kanal ma puszczac ... wiec albo musisz sie zalogowac albo zrobic sobie jakis skrypt ktory w oparciu o dane z www (jakis skrypt CGI) lub dane z maila lub ... odpali komende z odpwiednimi opcjami ...

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#5  2009-02-24 21:18:35

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Też myślałem, żeby zastosować przez www  tak jak youtube funkcjonuje lub inny portal udostępniający filmiki, ale przydał by się jakiś progam za pomocą którego w łatwy sposób bym zrobił.A pisanie skryptów dla każdego programu zajmie bardzo dużo czsu, a co najważniejsze to nie jestem bardzo dobry w pisaniu skryptów.W google jest mało opisów jak udostępnić sygnał sateliarny.W windowsie w bardzo prosty sposób to zrobiłem.Za pomocą programu altdvb, w nim na komputerze z kartą dvb-s odpalałem program altserver, a u klientów altdvb i sygnał był udostępniony.



#6  2009-02-24 23:28:46

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

nie potrzeba do tego odtwarzacza flashowego na www ... wystaczy postawic jakikolwiek serwerek http z obsluga php, dac na nim:


if ($_GET["kanal"]=="4fun") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 163 -a 92");
} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="innny") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream inne opcje");

kanaly zmieniasz wchoodzac na odpowiedniu URL: http://adres.serwera/sciezka.skryptu?kanal=4fun

zerknij tez na: i

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#7  2009-02-25 01:17:30

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Mógłbyś to łopatologiczne bercik opisać jak to zrobić.PHP mam zainstalowane a także mambo.Zrobiłem plik 4fun.php i wrzuciłem do niego to co napisłeś i coś się nie chce odpalić.
A czasmi nie trzeba zmienić powłoki użytkownikowi www-data na /bin/bash i dodać do grupy audio jak i video ?

Ostatnio edytowany przez lukaz1987 (2009-02-25 12:12:38)



#8  2009-02-25 22:05:30

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

[quote=lukaz1987]A czasmi nie trzeba zmienić powłoki użytkownikowi www-data na /bin/bash i dodać do grupy audio jak i video ?[/quote]
pewnie trzeba ...

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#9  2009-02-25 23:27:55

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Wielkie dzięki bercik działa wspaniale.Napisałeś wcześniej, że nie potrzeba odtwarzacza flashowego, ale jakbym chciał telewizję oglądać za pośrednictwem stronki to w jaki sposób to mam zrobić?



#10  2009-02-25 23:34:02

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

najprosciej  - wtyczka vlc lub mplayer ...

wiem ze teraz to modne (ogladanie tv na www) ale IMHO z technicznego punktu widzenia malo sensowne ...

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#11  2009-02-26 19:54:09

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Zainstalowałem wtyczkę mplayerplug do mozilli i kanały się nie włączają.Muszę ręcznie włączać mplayera. Jeszcze napiszę jak zrobiłem skrypt.


if ($_GET["kanal"]=="4fun") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 163 -a 92");
} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="viva") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11075 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 164 -a 96");

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="tvbiznes") {
        system("killall dvbstrem; dvbstream -f 11158 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 353 -a 354");

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="polsatnews") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11158 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 385 -a 386");

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="tvpolonia") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11487 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 160 -a 80");




#12  2009-02-26 19:58:12

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

ale oprocz zainstalowania wtyczki, nalezy gdzies na stronie umiescic kod ktory aktywuje wtyczke z odpowiednimi parametrami (adresem z ktorego ma pobierac dane) ...

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#13  2009-02-26 22:28:20

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

A mógłbyś napisać w jaki sposób to zrobić.Mam jeszcze taki problem z vlc, gdy dałem w moim skrypcie taki wpis:


if ($_GET["kanal"]=="4fun") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 163 -a 92");
} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="viva") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11075 -p v -s 27500  -i -r 5004 -v 164 -a 96");

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="tvbiznes") {
        system("killall dvbstrem; vlc -vvv --color --ttl 12  --ts-es-id-pid --programs=13107,13109 dvb: --dvb-frequency=11158000 --dvb-srate=27500000 --dvb-voltage=13 --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout '#duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=13107"}');

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="polsatnews") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11158 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 385 -a 386");

} else if ($_GET["kanal"]=="tvpolonia") {
        system("killall dvbstream; dvbstream -f 11487 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 160 -a 80");


To dostaje komunikat z błędem


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/telewizja/tv.php on line 8

Pozostałbym przy mplayerze, ale przy zmianie kanałów jak nie zastopuje mplayera (przy komputerze klienckim) to przy przełczeniu programu, mplayer odmawia posłuszeństwa i trzeba zrestartować system.To zdarzenie ma miejsce tak jak w mplayerze dla linuxa jak i dla windowsa.



#14  2009-02-26 22:36:47

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) nie napisze tego bo wymagaloby to odemnie zbyt wiele pracy (czytania dokumentacji wtyczki, etc) - musisz sam pokombinowac
2) w kodzie php pochrzaniles cos z cudzyslowiami/apostrofami ... wklej to sobie do czegos co koloruje skladnie itp to bedzie latwiej szukac ...
3) dlaczego raptem jedno nadawanie przez vlc? ... jezeli gdziekolwiek dajesz vlc to musisz go w kazdym przypadku killowac ...

[quote=lukaz1987]Pozostałbym przy mplayerze, ale przy zmianie kanałów jak nie zastopuje mplayera (przy komputerze klienckim) to przy przełczeniu programu, mplayer odmawia posłuszeństwa i trzeba zrestartować system.To zdarzenie ma miejsce tak jak w mplayerze dla linuxa jak i dla windowsa.[/quote]
4) czym chesz go zastepowac?
5) jak odmawia posluszenstwa - co stwierdza?
6) jak co mozesz sprobowac uzyc innego klienta do odbioru tego przekazu - np. vlc (do tego nie musisz nic zmieniac po stronie serwera, etc)

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#15  2009-02-27 01:06:51

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) Dobra coś poszukam, może mi się uda a jak nie to będę pytał.
2) Ze stronki vlc doczytałem się, że po takiej komendzie


vlc -vvv --color --ttl 12  --ts-es-id-pid --programs=13107,13109 dvb: --dvb-frequency=11158000 --dvb-srate=27500000 --dvb-voltage=13 --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout '#duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=13107"}'

określony program będzie działać. I tak jest bo program działa, ale tylko po wpisaniu w konsoli. Ale sam skrypt php zawiera apostrofy i cudzysłowia jak i zawiera sama komenda programu.To jak powiązać te cudzysłowia i apostrofy, aby skrypt php współgrał z komendą basha?
3)Tak prawda,ale gdy mam program viva i 4fun TV to razem ich nie puszczę gdyż one są na innych częstotliwościach.Razem z 4funTV mogę puścić program PatioTV. ( [url][/url] ).
4)Mplayera zastąpić vlc.
5)W logach taki wpis występuje


/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv -ao alsa -zoom -nokeepaspect -framedrop -input conf=/usr/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 54525966 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -contrast 0 -brightness 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -cache 1000 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -af scaletempo -playlist rtp:// -cache 2048

MPlayer dev-SVN-r26940
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5300  @ 1.73GHz (Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 2)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
STREAM_RTP, URL: rtp:// -cache 2048
Underrun(seq[9]=49740 seq=17767, newseq=-31973)

6)Wiem o tym, ale vlc nie chce odebrać ani audio ani video.Dostaje komunikat


Główny prywatny błąd: nie można wstępnie wypełnić bufora

. W przeróżny sposób próbowałem skonfigórować vlc, ale nie chce się podpożądkować. Np.


vlc udp://@ :access-filter=timeshift  :udp-caching=2048
vlc udp://@



#16  2009-02-27 17:17:35

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) zeby pusic dwa programy z tej samej czestotliwosci lepiej wykozystac jedno wywolanie dvbstream (zgodnie z man sie da) niz kazac dwum procesom dobierac sie do tego samego device ...
2) vlc nie che odbierac tylko z dvbstream czy tez z vlc?
3) jaka jest wersja tego vlc ktory nie che odbierac?
4) co do mplayera to on nie che juz wiecej sie odpalic po takim wywaleniu sie czy co ze "musisz restartowac system"?

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#17  2009-02-27 20:02:55

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) Znalazłem na internecie taki sposób


dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500 -udp -net 163 92 4fun.TV PATIO TV -net 167 108 4fun.TV PATIO TV

ale on nie działa.
2)Vlc nie chce odbierać tylko jak sygnał puszczę z mplayera.
3)Wersja: 0.8.6.h-4+lenny2 (debian), 0.9.8a Grishenko (windows)
4) Włączyć to się włączy, ale telewizja już się nie włączy.A gdy zrestartuje komputer to już działa telewizja.



#18  2009-02-27 23:48:36

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

[quote=lukaz1987]2)Vlc nie chce odbierać tylko jak sygnał puszczę z mplayera.[/quote]
a od kiedy do nadawania uzywasz mplayera bo w tym watku nic o tym nie ma



vlc udp://@

a nie powinno byc raczej:


vlc rtp://@

[quote=lukaz1987]4) Włączyć to się włączy, ale telewizja już się nie włączy.A gdy zrestartuje komputer to już działa telewizja.[/quote]
a cos stwierdza ... poprzedni jest na pewno ubity (nie ma go na liscie procesow)

[quote=lukaz1987]1) Znalazłem na internecie taki sposób


dvbstream -f 10719 -p v -s 27500 -udp -net 163 92 4fun.TV PATIO TV -net 167 108 4fun.TV PATIO TV

ale on nie działa.[/quote]
poczytaj strone man do dvbstream i sproboj (lub podobnych kombinacji):


dvbstream -f 11158 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 353:1 -a 354:1 -v 385:2 -a 386:2

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#19  2009-03-01 19:03:02

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

Pomyłka nie mplayera do wysyłania sygnału tylko dvstream.Ten sposób


vlc rtp://@

też próbowałem i nic, vlc nie wyplówa żadnego błędu.Co do mplayera to po zamknięciu go zostaje dalej w procesach.Ten


dvbstream -f 11158 -p v -s 27500 -i -r 5004 -v 353:1 -a 354:1 -v 385:2 -a 386:2

sposób też próbowałem i dostaje taki komunukat


dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Failed setting filter for pid 385: DMX SET PES FILTER: Invalid argument
Failed setting filter for pid 386: DMX SET PES FILTER: Invalid argument
Streaming 4 streams



#20  2009-03-01 21:38:14

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1. a jak tego vlc pusisz z wiekszym poziomem glosnosci (opcje -vvv) to cos pisze
2. sproboj zakilowac tego mplayera (normalnie albo z -9)
3. co do dvbstream pytanie czy dziala czy nie bo pisze niby ze serwuje 4 strumienie ...

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#21  2009-03-01 22:45:05

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1)Z tą opcją tak samo nie działa.
2)W htop-ie kill-uje.
3)Nie działa.W dokumentacji dvbstrem jest napisane:


Also, with driver versions from October 2001 onwards, you
       can broadcast the entire transport  stream  (if  you  are
       using a budget card) with the command:

       dvbstream 8192

       8192  is  a  "dummy  PID"  (legal  PIDS  are in the range
       0-8191) and the driver interprets this to mean the entire
       TS.   Obviously,  it  would  make no sense to use the map
       feature on this "pid".

to znaczy, że mogę całkowicie udostępnić całą kartę.Próbowałem tak jak jest w dokumentacji, ale nie działa.Nasunął mi się jeszce program kaffeine. W nim spokojnie przechwyciłbym cały sygnał.Próbowałem go do odebrania strumienia i działa.



#22  2009-03-02 10:39:21

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) z ta opcja nie mialo dzialac ... tylko mialo napisac cos co naprowadzi nas dlaczego nie dziala ...
2) i jak go zakilujesz i ponownie odpalisz to dziala czy nie?
3) nie dziala to znaczy
4) skoro kaffeine dziala to uzyj jego lub (jezeli chesz z konsoli) poszukaj jakiegos innego opartego o silnik xine

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#23  2009-03-02 20:46:59

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego



VLC media player 0.8.6h Janus
starting VLC root wrapper... using UID 0 (root)
* Running VLC as root is discouraged. *

 It is potentially dangerous, and might not even work properly.
[00000001] main private debug: checking builtin modules
[00000001] main private debug: checking plugin modules
[00000001] main private debug: loading plugins cache file /root/.vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
[00000001] main private debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc'
[00000001] main private debug: module bank initialized, found 215 modules
[00000001] main private debug: opening config file /root/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main private debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU 
[00000001] main private debug: looking for memcpy module: 1 candidate
[00000001] main private debug: using memcpy module "memcpy"
[00000273] main playlist debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000273] main playlist debug: thread 3065772944 (playlist) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:184)
[00000274] main private debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000274] main private debug: thread 3057380240 (preparser) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:210)
[00000275] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000275] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[00000275] main interface debug: thread 3048987536 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000277] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000277] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[00000277] main interface debug: thread 3040594832 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000273] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `rtp://@' ( rtp://@ )
[00000279] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 5 candidates
[00000279] main interface debug: using interface module "wxwidgets"
[00000279] main interface debug: thread 3015216016 (manager) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:216)
[00000279] wxwidgets interface debug: Using last windows config '(-1,0,0,1280,800)(0,482,310,471,90)(6,0,0,-1,150)'
[00000279] wxwidgets interface debug: id=0 p=(482,310) s=(471,90)
[00000279] wxwidgets interface debug: id=6 p=(0,0) s=(-1,150)
[00000273] main playlist debug: nothing requested, starting
[00000273] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000282] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000282] main input debug: creating statistics handler
[00000282] main input debug: `rtp://@' gives access `rtp' demux `' path `@'
[00000282] main input debug: creating demux: access='rtp' demux='' path='@'
[00000282] main input debug: thread 2995780496 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:265)
[00000284] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[00000284] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matched "rtp"
[00000282] main input debug: creating access 'rtp' path='@'
[00000285] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
[00000285] access_udp access debug: opening server=:0 local=
[00000285] main access debug: net: connecting to '[]:0@[]:5004'
[00000285] main access debug: looking for network module: 1 candidate
[00000285] ipv6 access debug: Rodzina adresów dla tej nazwy hosta nie jest obsługiwana
[00000285] main access debug: using network module "ipv6"
[00000285] main access debug: removing module "ipv6"
[00000285] main access debug: looking for network module: 1 candidate
[00000285] ipv4 access debug: resolving
[00000285] ipv4 access debug: resolving :0...
[00000285] ipv4 access debug: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP multicast request
[00000285] main access debug: using network module "ipv4"
[00000285] main access debug: removing module "ipv4"
[00000285] main access debug: using access2 module "access_udp"
[00000289] main private debug: pre buffering
[00000285] access_udp access debug: detected TS over RTP
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: prebuffered 22 packets
[00000282] main input debug: creating demux: access='rtp' demux='ts' path='@'
[00000290] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 1 candidate
[00000290] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "ts"
[00000290] ts demuxer debug: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 (nil)
[00000285] access_udp access warning: unimplemented query in control
[00000282] main input debug: `rtp://@' successfully opened
[00000290] ts demuxer debug: pid[163] unknown
[00000290] ts demuxer debug: pid[92] unknown

[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37003, got 37004
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37012, got 37013
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37025, got 37026
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37032, got 37033
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37042, got 37043
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37046, got 37047
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37055, got 37056
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37067, got 37068
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37069, got 37072
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37073, got 37075
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37076, got 37078
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37079, got 37083
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37085, got 37086
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37088, got 37089
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37090, got 37097
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37098, got 37100
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37101, got 37103
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37104, got 37112
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37113, got 37117
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37118, got 37121
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37122, got 37123
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37124, got 37125
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37126, got 37127
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37128, got 37129
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37130, got 37132
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37693, got 37694
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37700, got 37701
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37706, got 37707
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37710, got 37711
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37717, got 37718
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37725, got 37726
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37735, got 37736
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37751, got 37752
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37756, got 37757
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37765, got 37766
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37769, got 37770
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37771, got 37772
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37773, got 37774
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37776, got 37778
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37780, got 37781
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37782, got 37786
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37787, got 37788
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37789, got 37795
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37801, got 37803
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37807, got 37810
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37811, got 37814
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37821, got 37822
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37823, got 37826
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37827, got 37828
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37829, got 37831
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37832, got 37836
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37838, got 37839
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37843, got 37846
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37847, got 37850
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 37851, got 37854
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38138, got 38139
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38140, got 38141
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38145, got 38146
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38147, got 38148
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38151, got 38152
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38200, got 38201
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38202, got 38209
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38211, got 38215
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38216, got 38220
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38278, got 38279
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38282, got 38286
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38288, got 38289
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38290, got 38291
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38292, got 38293
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38297, got 38298
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38333, got 38334
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38340, got 38341
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38348, got 38349
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38351, got 38353
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38355, got 38359
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38360, got 38362
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38364, got 38367
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38369, got 38370
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38371, got 38374
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38379, got 38380
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38397, got 38399
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38400, got 38403
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38405, got 38408
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38481, got 38482
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38492, got 38493
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38521, got 38522
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38537, got 38539
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38540, got 38543
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38544, got 38545
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38546, got 38547
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38548, got 38552
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38554, got 38557
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38559, got 38561
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38579, got 38580
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38582, got 38583
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38585, got 38586
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38587, got 38590
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38591, got 38592
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38593, got 38594
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38655, got 38656
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38657, got 38658
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38662, got 38663
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38668, got 38669
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38711, got 38712
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38717, got 38719
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38720, got 38723
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38724, got 38725
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38726, got 38727
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38728, got 38732
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38733, got 38738
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38739, got 38740
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38742, got 38743
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38749, got 38750
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38752, got 38754
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38755, got 38757
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38780, got 38781
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38788, got 38789
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38791, got 38793
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38795, got 38799
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38838, got 38839
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38864, got 38865
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38886, got 38889
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38890, got 38892
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38893, got 38895
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 38913, got 38914
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 39338, got 42699
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44086, got 44087
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44091, got 44092
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44100, got 44101
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44113, got 44114
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44124, got 44125
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44137, got 44138
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44144, got 44145
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44147, got 44148
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44149, got 44152
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44153, got 44156
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44157, got 44166
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44169, got 44171
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44172, got 44173
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44179, got 44180
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44182, got 44185
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44186, got 44187
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44189, got 44190
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44191, got 44192
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44193, got 44195
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44196, got 44198
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44200, got 44201
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44202, got 44204
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44205, got 44207
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44210, got 44211
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44213, got 44214
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44502, got 44503
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44529, got 44530
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44538, got 44539
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44547, got 44548
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44559, got 44560
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44564, got 44565
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44570, got 44571
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44573, got 44574
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44595, got 44598
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44599, got 44600
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44603, got 44604
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44605, got 44610
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44611, got 44613
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44614, got 44618
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44621, got 44622
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44624, got 44626
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44627, got 44631
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44635, got 44637
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44638, got 44639
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44640, got 44642
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44643, got 44644
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44646, got 44647
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44648, got 44650
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44651, got 44654
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44655, got 44658
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 44659, got 44660
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 46968, got 46969
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 46984, got 46985
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47018, got 47019
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47023, got 47024
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47026, got 47028
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47032, got 47037
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47038, got 47039
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47040, got 47041
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47044, got 47045
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47046, got 47047
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47048, got 47050
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47051, got 47052
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47053, got 47056
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47065, got 47066
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47071, got 47072
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47078, got 47079
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47090, got 47091
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47094, got 47095
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47096, got 47097
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47099, got 47102
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47138, got 47139
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47142, got 47143
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47146, got 47147
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47153, got 47154
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47163, got 47164
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47165, got 47166
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47172, got 47175
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47197, got 47198
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47200, got 47203
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47204, got 47205
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47209, got 47214
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47215, got 47217
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47219, got 47222
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47224, got 47227
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47228, got 47230
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47231, got 47233
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47235, got 47236
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47237, got 47239
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47240, got 47241
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47242, got 47244
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47246, got 47247
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47249, got 47251
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47252, got 47255
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47256, got 47260
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47261, got 47263
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47264, got 47268
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47269, got 47270
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47271, got 47273
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47274, got 47277
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47278, got 47279
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47430, got 47431
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47434, got 47435
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47442, got 47443
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47449, got 47450
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47455, got 47456
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47476, got 47478
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47479, got 47487
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47488, got 47490
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47491, got 47492
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47494, got 47495
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47813, got 47814
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47850, got 47851
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47875, got 47877
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47878, got 47879
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47880, got 47882
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47885, got 47886
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47887, got 47888
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47910, got 47912
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47916, got 47917
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47918, got 47922
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47924, got 47926
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47929, got 47930
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47931, got 47935
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47936, got 47937
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47941, got 47943
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47944, got 47946
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 47948, got 47949
[00000285] message access warning: message queue overflowed
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 48066, got 48067
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49691, got 49692
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49703, got 49704
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49731, got 49732
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49750, got 49751
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49754, got 49757
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49763, got 49767
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49768, got 49772
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49783, got 49785
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49787, got 49790
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49791, got 49792
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49794, got 49795
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49800, got 49803
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49804, got 49805
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49812, got 49813
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49820, got 49824
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49825, got 49828
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49955, got 49956
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49959, got 49960
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49962, got 49963
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49966, got 49967
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49971, got 49972
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49977, got 49978
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49987, got 49988
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 49989, got 49990
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50000, got 50001
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50015, got 50016
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50017, got 50021
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50025, got 50028
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50029, got 50030
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50032, got 50034
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50035, got 50037
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50041, got 50046
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50047, got 50051
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50052, got 50053
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50056, got 50058
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50059, got 50066
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50067, got 50070
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50072, got 50075
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50076, got 50080
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50084, got 50085
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50340, got 50341
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50346, got 50347
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50350, got 50351
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50358, got 50359
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50363, got 50364
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50381, got 50382
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50394, got 50395
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50402, got 50403
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50404, got 50405
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50408, got 50409
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50410, got 50412
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50413, got 50414
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50415, got 50416
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50418, got 50421
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50422, got 50423
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50424, got 50426
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50428, got 50429
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50430, got 50431
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50433, got 50434
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50446, got 50447
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50448, got 50451
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50452, got 50455
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50457, got 50458
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50463, got 50465
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50467, got 50471
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50535, got 50537
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50539, got 50540
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50542, got 50543
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50585, got 50586
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50600, got 50605
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50606, got 50610
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50614, got 50615
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50647, got 50648
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50650, got 50655
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50719, got 50720
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50726, got 50727
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50730, got 50731
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50752, got 50753
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50755, got 50756
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50758, got 50759
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50762, got 50763
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50765, got 50766
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50771, got 50772
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50790, got 50792
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50794, got 50795
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50798, got 50802
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50803, got 50805
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50807, got 50810
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50811, got 50812
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50813, got 50814
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50819, got 50820
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50826, got 50827
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50829, got 50838
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50839, got 50843
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50844, got 50847
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50848, got 50852
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50855, got 50856
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50860, got 50861
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50862, got 50863
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50864, got 50867
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50868, got 50870
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50871, got 50874
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50990, got 50993
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 50994, got 50995
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51163, got 51164
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51170, got 51171
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51176, got 51177
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51184, got 51185
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51188, got 51189
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51221, got 51223
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51224, got 51228
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51231, got 51232
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51234, got 51236
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51238, got 51240
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51242, got 51244
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51247, got 51250
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51254, got 51255
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51257, got 51258
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51260, got 51261
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51262, got 51264
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51266, got 51268
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51677, got 51678
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51684, got 51685
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51692, got 51693
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51696, got 51697
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51701, got 51702
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51703, got 51704
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51706, got 51707
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51710, got 51711
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51712, got 51713
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51717, got 51718
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51727, got 51728
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51734, got 51735
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51739, got 51740
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51743, got 51744
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51748, got 51749
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51751, got 51756
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51757, got 51758
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51759, got 51762
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51763, got 51764
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51765, got 51767
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51768, got 51769
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51770, got 51776
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51777, got 51780
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51782, got 51785
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51786, got 51790
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51792, got 51794
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51796, got 51798
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51800, got 51801
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51802, got 51803
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51804, got 51812
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51814, got 51815
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51818, got 51821
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 51824, got 51825
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52392, got 52393
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52396, got 52397
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52401, got 52402
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52406, got 52407
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52409, got 52410
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52418, got 52419
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52423, got 52424
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52460, got 52461
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52463, got 52473
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52474, got 52476
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52477, got 52481
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52482, got 52483
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52484, got 52487
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52488, got 52489
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52491, got 52492
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52493, got 52494
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52496, got 52497
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52498, got 52500
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52501, got 52502
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52503, got 52504
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52505, got 52507
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52508, got 52509
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52510, got 52513
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52514, got 52516
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52517, got 52518
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52519, got 52522
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52523, got 52526
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52529, got 52532
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52535, got 52536
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52703, got 52705
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52712, got 52713
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52716, got 52717
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52721, got 52722
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52732, got 52733
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52741, got 52742
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52754, got 52755
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52769, got 52772
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52778, got 52781
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52782, got 52783
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52784, got 52785
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52786, got 52791
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52793, got 52794
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52795, got 52796
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52797, got 52800
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52801, got 52802
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52803, got 52806
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52808, got 52810
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52812, got 52813
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52815, got 52817
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52818, got 52819
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52820, got 52826
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52827, got 52828
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52995, got 52996
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 52999, got 53000
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53006, got 53007
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53009, got 53010
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53011, got 53012
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53020, got 53021
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53031, got 53032
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53033, got 53034
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53041, got 53042
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53052, got 53053
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53066, got 53071
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53072, got 53073
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53074, got 53075
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53076, got 53077
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53081, got 53085
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53086, got 53087
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53088, got 53092
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53093, got 53095
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53100, got 53101
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53104, got 53107
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53108, got 53112
[00000285] access_udp access debug: RTP: packet(s) lost, expected 53114, got 53116

2)Nie zawsze, ale w 90% działa.
3)To znaczy jak wydam komende


dvbstream 8192  -i -r 5004

to mplayer, vlc jak i kaffeine nie odtwarza, ani błędu nie wywala.
4)Może w tym punkcie się źle wyraziłem. Nie przechwyciłem całego sygnału tylko sygnał z jednego kanału.A co do wykorzystania na serwerze kaffeine w celu udostępnienia sygnału to wiele dokumentacja tego programu nie mówi mi.



#24  2009-03-02 23:02:42

  bercik - Moderator Mamut

Moderator Mamut
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2006-09-23

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) wyglada na problem z gubieniem pakietow ... jezei mozesz zobacz czy problem wystepuje gdy oba programy odpalisz na jednej maszynie (zobacz tez czy nie nadajesz na ten sam adres multicastowy z kilku programow oraz czy nie masz przepchanej czyms sieci)
2) zatem jedynym problemem jest ze nie zamyka sie poprawnie po czyms takim ... a co w pozostalych 10%?
3) znowu - czy cos pisze i czy nie masz gdzies w menu/playliscie mozliwosci wyboru kanalu ktory chesz odtwarzac (jak kiedys robilem eksperymenty z odtwarzaniem dvb-t przez vlc to byl wybor kanalu gdzies w menu - chyba w "odtwarzanie" ... w tym wypadku powinno byc podobnie)
4) czyli kaffeine nie wnosi nic nowego - nic wiecej niz zestaw dvbstream / mplayer

"Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś zrobić nie można. Ale przypadkowo znajduje się jakiś nieuk, który tego nie wie. I on właśnie robi odkrycie." (A.Einstein)



#25  2009-03-03 20:24:31

  lukaz1987 - Członek DUG

Członek DUG
Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-12

Re: udostępnienie sygnału satelitarnego

1) Sieci napewno nie mam zapchanej i też nie nadaje na ten sam adres multicastowy.
2)Tak nie zamyka się poprawnie, ale w procesach nieraz nie zostaje żadne zadanie związane z mplayerem.A w 10% nie włącza się pomaga przeładowanie systemu lub przelogowanie się.
3)Nic nie pisze i teoretycznie tak jakby działało, ale nie działa i nie da się w playliście zmieniać kanałów.Bo ich nawet nie ma.
4)Tak nic nowego.
Tak myśle, że najlepszy do transmisji sygnału będzie najlepszy vlc


vlc -vvv --color --ttl 12  --ts-es-id-pid --programs=4408,4404 dvb:   --dvb-frequency=10719000 --dvb-srate=27500000 --dvb-voltage=13   --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout   '#duplicate{dst=std{dst=},select="program=4408",dst=std{dst=},select="program=4404"}'

Tym sposobem póściłem tylko dwa programy (4fun i PatioTV), a jak póścić cały strumień?

Ostatnio edytowany przez lukaz1987 (2009-03-03 21:29:19)



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