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#1  2012-04-23 20:55:35

  IceBeast - Nowy użytkownik

Nowy użytkownik
Zarejestrowany: 2012-04-23

Błąd 500 na nginx+php5-fpm


Postanowiłem "przesiąść się" z apache na nginxa i już na samym początku coś nie działa Dodany obrazek
Otóż żadna strona w php (skrypty np. mybb czy WP) oprócz phpinfo nie działa - wywala internal server error. No i działa jeszcze ispconfig...

Mój system to debian 6, 64 bit. Po uruchomieniu tego wszystkiego zostaje jeszcze ponad 1,5 GB wolnego ramu. Na cały folder z plikami www dałem tymczasowo chmod 755.

Oto moje pliki:


user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /var/run/;

events {
        worker_connections 768;
        # multi_accept on;

http {

        # Basic Settings

        sendfile on;
        tcp_nopush on;
        tcp_nodelay on;
        keepalive_timeout 65;
        types_hash_max_size 2048;
        # server_tokens off;

        # server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
        # server_name_in_redirect off;

        include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
        default_type application/octet-stream;

        # Logging Settings

        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

        # Gzip Settings

        gzip on;
        gzip_disable "msie6";

        # gzip_vary on;
        # gzip_proxied any;
        # gzip_comp_level 6;
        # gzip_buffers 16 8k;
        # gzip_http_version 1.1;
        # gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

        # nginx-naxsi config
        # Uncomment it if you installed nginx-naxsi

        #include /etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;

        # nginx-passenger config
        # Uncomment it if you installed nginx-passenger
        #passenger_root /usr;
        #passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby;

        # Virtual Host Configs

        include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
        include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
                ## Detect when HTTPS is used
                map $scheme $fastcgi_https {
                  default off;
                  https on;


#mail {
#       # See sample authentication script at:
#       #
#       # auth_http localhost/auth.php;
#       # pop3_capabilities "TOP" "USER";
#       # imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "UIDPLUS";
#       server {
#               listen   localhost:110;
#               protocol   pop3;
#               proxy     on;
#       }
#       server {
#               listen   localhost:143;
#               protocol   imap;
#               proxy     on;
#       }



; FPM Configuration ;

; All relative paths in this configuration file are relative to PHP's install
; prefix (/usr). This prefix can be dynamicaly changed by using the
; '-p' argument from the command line.

; Include one or more files. If glob(3) exists, it is used to include a bunch of
; files from a glob(3) pattern. This directive can be used everywhere in the
; file.
; Relative path can also be used. They will be prefixed by:
;  - the global prefix if it's been set (-p arguement)
;  - /usr otherwise

; Global Options ;

; Pid file
; Note: the default prefix is /var
; Default Value: none
pid = /var/run/

; Error log file
; If it's set to "syslog", log is sent to syslogd instead of being written
; in a local file.
; Note: the default prefix is /var
; Default Value: log/php-fpm.log
error_log = /var/log/php5-fpm.log

; syslog_facility is used to specify what type of program is logging the
; message. This lets syslogd specify that messages from different facilities
; will be handled differently.
; See syslog(3) for possible values (ex daemon equiv LOG_DAEMON)
; Default Value: daemon
;syslog.facility = daemon

; syslog_ident is prepended to every message. If you have multiple FPM
; instances running on the same server, you can change the default value
; which must suit common needs.
; Default Value: php-fpm
;syslog.ident = php-fpm

; Log level
; Possible Values: alert, error, warning, notice, debug
; Default Value: notice
log_level = debug

; If this number of child processes exit with SIGSEGV or SIGBUS within the time
; interval set by emergency_restart_interval then FPM will restart. A value
; of '0' means 'Off'.
; Default Value: 0
;emergency_restart_threshold = 0

; Interval of time used by emergency_restart_interval to determine when
; a graceful restart will be initiated.  This can be useful to work around
; accidental corruptions in an accelerator's shared memory.
; Available Units: s(econds), m(inutes), h(ours), or d(ays)
; Default Unit: seconds
; Default Value: 0
;emergency_restart_interval = 0

; Time limit for child processes to wait for a reaction on signals from master.
; Available units: s(econds), m(inutes), h(ours), or d(ays)
; Default Unit: seconds
; Default Value: 0
;process_control_timeout = 0

; The maximum number of processes FPM will fork. This has been design to control
; the global number of processes when using dynamic PM within a lot of pools.
; Use it with caution.
; Note: A value of 0 indicates no limit
; Default Value: 0
; process.max = 128

; Send FPM to background. Set to 'no' to keep FPM in foreground for debugging.
; Default Value: yes
;daemonize = yes

; Set open file descriptor rlimit for the master process.
; Default Value: system defined value
;rlimit_files = 1024

; Set max core size rlimit for the master process.
; Possible Values: 'unlimited' or an integer greater or equal to 0
; Default Value: system defined value
;rlimit_core = 0

; Specify the event mechanism FPM will use. The following is available:
; - select       (any POSIX os)
; - poll           (any POSIX os)
; - epoll         (linux >= 2.5.44)
; - kqueue       (FreeBSD >= 4.1, OpenBSD >= 2.9, NetBSD >= 2.0)
; - /dev/poll  (Solaris >= 7)
; - port           (Solaris >= 10)
; Default Value: not set (auto detection)
; events.mechanism = epoll

; Pool Definitions ;

; Multiple pools of child processes may be started with different listening
; ports and different management options.  The name of the pool will be
; used in logs and stats. There is no limitation on the number of pools which
; FPM can handle. Your system will tell you anyway :)

; To configure the pools it is recommended to have one .conf file per
; pool in the following directory:

vhost z sites-enabled


server {
                listen *:80;

                root   /var/www/;
                index index.html index.htm index.php index.cgi index.xhtml;

                error_page 400 /error/400.html;
                error_page 401 /error/401.html;
                error_page 403 /error/403.html;
                error_page 404 /error/404.html;
                error_page 405 /error/405.html;
                error_page 500 /error/500.html;
                error_page 502 /error/502.html;
                error_page 503 /error/503.html;
                recursive_error_pages on;
                location = /error/400.html {
                location = /error/401.html {
                location = /error/403.html {
                location = /error/404.html {
                location = /error/405.html {
                location = /error/500.html {
                location = /error/502.html {
                location = /error/503.html {
                error_log /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/;
                access_log /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/ combined;

                ## Disable .htaccess and other hidden files
                location ~ /\. {
                        deny all;
                        access_log off;
                        log_not_found off;
                location = /favicon.ico {
                        log_not_found off;
                        access_log off;

                location = /robots.txt {
                        allow all;
                        log_not_found off;
                        access_log off;
                location /stats {
                        index index.html index.php;
                        auth_basic "Members Only";
                        auth_basic_user_file /var/www/clients/client1/web2/.htpasswd_stats;

                location ^~ /awstats-icon {
                        alias /usr/share/awstats/icon;

                location ~ \.php$ {
                        try_files $uri =404;
                        include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
                        fastcgi_index index.php;
                        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
                        fastcgi_intercept_errors on;



Log php5-fpm przy włączonym debugu (restart php5-fpm + wejście na adres pod którym znajduje się mybb)


[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.596604] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_scoreboard_init_main(), line 40: got clock tick '100'
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.597308] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_event_init_main(), line 331: event module is epoll and 1 fds have been reserved
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.597340] NOTICE: pid 2029, fpm_init(), line 80: fpm is running, pid 2029
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.597940] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2030 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.598383] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2031 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.607241] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2033 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.607921] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2034 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.608378] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2035 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.609210] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2036 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.609744] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2037 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.610204] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2038 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.615348] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2040 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.615935] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2041 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.616408] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2043 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.616873] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2044 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.617306] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2045 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.617732] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2046 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.623620] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2048 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.624232] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2049 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.624772] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2050 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.625300] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2051 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.626621] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2052 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.627276] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web2] child 2054 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.627740] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool apps] child 2055 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.628192] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool apps] child 2056 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.628643] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool ispconfig] child 2057 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.629076] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool ispconfig] child 2058 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.629506] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2059 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.639026] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2060 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.639641] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2061 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.640079] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2062 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.640539] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2063 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.641018] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2064 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.641495] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2065 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.644167] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2066 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.644759] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2067 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.645198] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2068 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.645635] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2069 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.651470] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2070 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.652032] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2071 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.652470] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2072 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.653881] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2073 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.654485] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2074 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.654936] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2075 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.664921] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2076 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.665531] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2077 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.665982] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool web3] child 2078 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.666424] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 2079 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.675565] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_children_make(), line 421: [pool www] child 2080 started
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.675599] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_event_loop(), line 360: 147520 bytes have been reserved in SHM
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:26.675604] NOTICE: pid 2029, fpm_event_loop(), line 361: ready to handle connections
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:27.676450] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:27.676479] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:27.676484] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:27.676489] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:27.676493] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:28.676818] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:28.676850] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:28.676854] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:28.676859] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:28.676864] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:29.676837] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:29.676868] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:29.676872] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:29.676878] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:29.676894] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:30.677564] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:30.677595] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:30.677600] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:30.677605] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:30.677609] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:31.677807] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:31.677829] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:31.677833] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:31.677838] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:31.677843] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:32.678571] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:32.678592] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:32.678596] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:32.678602] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:32.678606] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:33.681568] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:33.681593] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:33.681598] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:33.681603] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:33.681619] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:34.681712] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:34.681745] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:34.681749] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:34.681755] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:34.681759] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:35.683013] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:35.683043] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:35.683047] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:35.683052] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:35.683057] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:36.683618] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:36.683648] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:36.683652] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:36.683657] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:36.683662] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:37.683694] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:37.683719] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:37.683723] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:37.683728] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:37.683733] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:38.683732] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:38.683759] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:38.683763] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:38.683768] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:38.683772] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:39.684695] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:39.684725] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:39.684729] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:39.684734] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:39.684739] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:40.693735] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:40.693767] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:40.693772] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:40.693777] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:40.693781] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:41.698447] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:41.698473] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:41.698477] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:41.698482] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:41.698486] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:42.698690] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:42.698723] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:42.698728] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:42.698733] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:42.698738] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:43.698891] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:43.698923] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:43.698928] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:43.698933] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:43.698937] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:44.699696] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:44.699733] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:44.699738] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:44.699743] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:44.699748] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:45.701664] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:45.701701] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:45.701705] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:45.701710] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:45.701714] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:46.704803] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:46.704833] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:46.704848] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:46.704854] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:46.704858] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:47.705710] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:47.705740] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:47.705744] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:47.705750] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:47.705754] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:48.706815] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:48.706838] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:48.706842] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:48.706847] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:48.706852] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:49.706820] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web2] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:49.706849] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool apps] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:49.706854] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool ispconfig] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:49.706859] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool web3] currently 0 active children, 20 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[23-Apr-2012 16:58:49.706863] DEBUG: pid 2029, fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 0 active children, 2 spare children, 2 running children. Spawning rate 1

Log nginxa jest czysty.



#2  2012-04-23 23:33:07

  mati75 - Psuj

Skąd: default city
Zarejestrowany: 2010-03-14

Re: Błąd 500 na nginx+php5-fpm

Trochę mi się ta linijka nie podoba:


listen *:80;

za każdym razem używam:


listen 80 default;

Poza tym błąd jest dość dziwny. Przy próbie restartu czymś pluje nginx?




#3  2012-04-24 14:30:46

  IceBeast - Nowy użytkownik

Nowy użytkownik
Zarejestrowany: 2012-04-23

Re: Błąd 500 na nginx+php5-fpm

Nadal to samo po tej zmianie.

Właśnie nie ma żadnych errorów ani nic. To jest najdziwniejsze.



#4  2012-04-25 11:27:49

  winnetou - złodziej wirków ]:->

złodziej wirków ]:->
Skąd: Jasło/Rzeszów kiedyś Gdańs
Zarejestrowany: 2008-03-31

Re: Błąd 500 na nginx+php5-fpm

zarzuć jeszcze konfigami dla któregos z [pool]

LRU: #472938
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