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Jest tak, najprawdopodobniej coś nie poszło przy instalacji kde bo nei włącza sie. Rzeby to sprawdzić zainstalowałem wmakera (wmaker suck :] ) ale nei wiem jak go odpalić ponieważ przy starcie systemu włącza sie mi graficzne logowanie a potem wskakuje (bez możliwości wyboru środowiska) mi kde. Zabijam xdm (ctr+alt+backspace powoduje u mnei restart i powrut do logowania - błędne koło). i nei wiem co dalej zrobić by włączyć wmakera (startx odpada).
Pomyślałem też że usune kde i po sprawie ale jak dałem apt-get remove kde to usuneło tylko 178kb :] usunoł bym go ręcznei ale nei wiem co dokładnei miał bym usunąć ??
usunięcie .kde z domowego odpada jak sugerował Bodzio bo... nei ma tam takiego katalogu
to tyle czekam na propozycje nawet te głupie piszcie cokolwiek jestem zrospaczony :( [img][/img]
po pierwsze wmaker rządzi
po drugie nie musisz używać xdm, w którym nie ma możliwości wyboru środowiska, możesz sobie zainstalować wdm ( <-- polecam), gdm albo kdm
Rychu dzieki odpalilem wdm potem wmakera i dziala czyli kde nawala
jak mam teraz przeinstalowac kde zeby chodzilo ?????????????
przeinstalowanie kde dużo nie zmieni, wywal wszystkie konfigi i zacznij od nowa:
rm -fr ~/.kde*
ok zrobilm tak dalem w sourse.list za rada ekipy #errora ;) # <= czyli na sarge chyba, i nie mam juz w wdm wyboru kde :| no to jade z koskem i daje apt-get install kde a tu ..
Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: kde: Depends: kde-core but it is not going to be installed Depends: kde-amusements but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeaddons but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeadmin but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeartwork but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdegraphics but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdemultimedia but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdenetwork but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdepim but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeutils but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdewebdev but it is not going to be installed xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). Rumi-debian:~#
czytac umiem (tak mowia :] ) daje apt-get -f install kde
Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: kde: Depends: kde-core but it is not going to be installed Depends: kde-amusements but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeaddons but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeadmin but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeartwork but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdegraphics but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdemultimedia but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdenetwork but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdepim but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdeutils but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdewebdev but it is not going to be installed xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). Rumi-debian:~#
wiec sie pytam co jest grane nawet nei moge kadu odpalic
Rumi-debian:~# kadu kadu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
oczywiscei po apt-get dist-upgrade nei moge tego zrobic
zpt-get remove kde*[/quote]
Note, selecting libhk-kdeclasses6 instead of libhk-kdeclasses Note, selecting libkdb-1-kerberos4kth for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting talkd for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting kdepim-doc-html for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting kdepim-wizards for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting gtkdiskfree for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting kde-extras for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting education-desktop-kde for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting python-kde3 for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting dbskkd-cdb for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting kdepasswd for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting talkd-hurd for regex 'kde*' Note, selecting kdeartwork for regex 'kde*' You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).s potem
apt-get install kdebase konqueror kdm[/quote]
konqueror: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.2-1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.16) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libfam0c102 Depends: libidn11 (>= 0.5.2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libkonq4 (>= 4:3.3.2-1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libpcre3 (>= 4.5) but 3.4-1.1 is to be installed Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.3) but it is not going to be installed Depends: kcontrol but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdebase-kio-plugins but it is not going to be installed Depends: kdesktop but it is not going to be installed Depends: kfind but it is not going to be installed xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
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[url=][b]Baza OSK[/b][/url]Offline
ok wyzej byla pruba instalki kde a teraz kadu na poczatek moje source.list
# deb stable main non-free contrib # deb-src stable main non-free contrib # deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free # deb-src stable/non-US main contrib non-free # deb stable/updates main contrib non-free # kadu deb ./ deb testing contrib main non-free
teraz apt-get install kadu
Rumi-debian:~# apt-get install kadu Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done kadu is already the newest version. You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: kadu: Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.3) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libsndfile1 (>= 1.0.2-1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libssl0.9.7 but it is not going to be installed kadu-dev: Depends: kadu (= 0.3.9-1) but 0.4.0-cvs-0 is to be installed xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). Rumi-debian:~#
apt-get -f install kadu
Rumi-debian:~# apt-get -f install kadu Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done kadu is already the newest version. You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: kadu: Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.3) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libsndfile1 (>= 1.0.2-1) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libssl0.9.7 but it is not going to be installed kadu-dev: Depends: kadu (= 0.3.9-1) but 0.4.0-cvs-0 is to be installed xbase-clients: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa-dri: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed xlibmesa-glu: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed or libgl1 xlibmesa3: Depends: xlibmesa-gl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). Rumi-debian:~#
no i jeszcze kadu
Rumi-debian:~# kadu kadu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Rumi-debian:~#
co jest nei tak ??
[b][color=red]EDIT:[/color][/b] cos mnie natchnelo czy moze to byc spowodowane zlym doborem odpowiedzi po dokonaniu apt-get dist-upgrade ?? bo pamietam ze byly jakies pytaania i odp do wybrania ??
Rumi porobiły ci się problemy z zależnościami bo masz na pokładzie sarge a w sources.list masz wpisy jak do woodyego. pozamieniaj w /etc/apt/sources.list wszystkie słowa 'stable' na 'testing'
ok Rychu sciaglo 17 mb upgrade i kadu ruszylo ale nei moge kde sciagnoc za huaj kurwa jego mac !!
może to i dobrze. wmaker roolz ;>
no zobaczmy co tam powinieneś mieć...
kde-i18n-pl (paczka spolszczająca)
kdm (opcjonalnie, zamiast wdm)
rychu te polecenia na nic bo ja NIC nei moge zainstalowac kurwa mac nei chce sie mi tego debiana 4 raz instalowac <rozpacz> <szlochanie> <lzy> :[
kde-i18n-pl (paczka spolszczająca)
kdm (opcjonalnie, zamiast wdm)[/quote]to nie są polecenia Rumi, tylko paczki które musisz mieć. odpalasz dowolnego zarządcę paczek (aptitude, dselect) i upewniasz się że je masz w systemie
linux regd. user #248790
no i sie wkurzylem :] i przeinstalowalem debiana i odziwo po raz pierwszy (a pare razy juz instalowalem) wszystko zainstalowalo sie bez problemu Xy wskoczyly momentalnie za 1 podejsciem :) kde 0 problemu teraz podmienilem source.list ktory mam od BiExi i dist-update (213mb) za jakies 4 h :/ okaze sie czy piekna niedzielna pogoda nei zostala zmarnowana :]
Time (s) | Query |
0.00014 | SET CHARSET latin2 |
0.00004 | SET NAMES latin2 |
0.00131 | SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged FROM punbb_users AS u INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON u.group_id=g.g_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON o.ident='' WHERE |
0.00085 | REPLACE INTO punbb_online (user_id, ident, logged) VALUES(1, '', 1732368102) |
0.00057 | SELECT * FROM punbb_online WHERE logged<1732367802 |
0.00081 | DELETE FROM punbb_online WHERE ident='' |
0.00068 | SELECT topic_id FROM punbb_posts WHERE id=5511 |
0.00005 | SELECT id FROM punbb_posts WHERE topic_id=676 ORDER BY posted |
0.00055 | SELECT t.subject, t.closed, t.num_replies, t.sticky, AS forum_id, f.forum_name, f.moderators, fp.post_replies, 0 FROM punbb_topics AS t INNER JOIN punbb_forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN punbb_forum_perms AS fp ON ( AND fp.group_id=3) WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND AND t.moved_to IS NULL |
0.00005 | SELECT search_for, replace_with FROM punbb_censoring |
0.00213 | SELECT, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.registered, u.admin_note,, p.poster AS username, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.hide_smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by, g.g_id, g.g_user_title, o.user_id AS is_online FROM punbb_posts AS p INNER JOIN punbb_users AS u ON INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON ( AND o.user_id!=1 AND o.idle=0) WHERE p.topic_id=676 ORDER BY LIMIT 0,25 |
0.00083 | UPDATE punbb_topics SET num_views=num_views+1 WHERE id=676 |
Total query time: 0.00801 s |