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Prosimy o pomoc dla małej Julki — przekaż 1% podatku na Fundacji Dzieciom zdazyć z Pomocą.
Więcej informacji na
Witam mam pytanko jakie program jest "najlepszy" do zliczania ruchu w sieci? Chodzi mi o to że chciałbym wiedzieć jakie ilości danych odbieram i wysyłam. Jestem w lan'ie mam internet radjowy:) Może który z tych programów polecacie lub może macie jakiś inne "lepsze"
Tcp4me, Getstatd, Ipacct, Ipac-ng, Ipaudit, Lanbilling, SARG, Talinux, NetUP UserTrafManager, MRTG, NetTop.
Ja polecam Conky.
Wiem już co czeba zrobić aby temat w superKarambie wyświetlał i zliczał dane jakie pobieramy i wysyłamy! Napiszę to bo może komuś się przyda a więc wchodzimy
Wybieramy temat jaki używamy otwieramy go za pomocą dowolnego edytora tekstu i zmieniamy sterownik (na taki jak uzywamy) Standardowo jest eth0 a ja na przykład używam wlan0 więc wystarszyło zmienić i działa:) Otozawartośc pliku
# UnixCoD Monitor # Author: Ghost Kilah # Licence: GPL # Version: 0x10 # Contact: # Website: # General karamba x=0 y=0 w=350 h=680 interval=1000 locked=false defaultfont font="Sans-Serif" fontsize=11 color=255,255,255 shadow=0 # background image x=0 y=0 path="images/wallpapper.png" name="background" # poza image x=265 y=20 path="images/tux.png" image x=25 y=42 path="images/laptop.png" image x=25 y=130 path="images/processor.png" image x=25 y=205 path="images/memory.png" image x=25 y=279 path="images/hdd.png" image x=25 y=345 path="images/network.png" image x=25 y=430 path="images/battery.png" image x=25 y=495 path="images/mail.png" image x=25 y=556 path="images/date.png" # System text x=25 y=25 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="System :" text x=155 y=27 fontisize=10 sensor=program program="echo ${USER}@`hostname`" # Uptime text x=75 y=45 value="Architecture:" text x=155 y=45 sensor=program program="uname -m" #text x=75 y=45 fontsize=10 value="User:" #text x=155 y=45 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="echo $USER" text x=75 y=60 fontisize=10 value="Uptime:" text x=155 y=60 fontiize=10 sensor=uptime format="%d d %H h %M m" # Kernel text x=75 y=75 fontsize=10 value="Kernel:" text x=155 y=75 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="echo `uname -r`" # KDE / QT text x=75 y=90 fontsize=10 value="KDE/QT:" text x=155 y=90 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep KDE | sed -e 's/.*: //'" text x=180 y=90 fontsize=10 value="/" text x=212 y=90 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep Qt | sed -e 's/.*: //'" align=right # Procesor text x=25 y=110 font="Sans" fontsize=12 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^model name' | uniq | sed -e 's/^.*: //'" # CPU text x=75 y=130 fontsize=10 value="Temp:" text x=155 y=130 sensor=program program="cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature" interval=300 text x=75 y=145 fontsize=10 value="Speed:" text x=155 y=145 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep 'cpu MHz' | sed -e 's/.*: //'| sed -e 's/..../ MHz/'" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 interval=1000 text x=75 y=160 fontsize=10 value="CPU Used:" color=255,255,255 text x=155 y=160 sensor=cpu format="%v%" fontsize=10 # Memoria RAM & SWAP text x=25 y=190 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="System Memory :" text x=165 y=190 value="Used " align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=225 y=190 value="Free" align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=275 y=190 value="Total" align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=75 y=208 value="RAM:" text x=175 y=208 sensor=memory format="%umb MB" align=right text x=230 y=208 sensor=memory format="%fmb MB" align=right text x=280 y=208 sensor=memory format="%tm MB" align=right text x=75 y=223 value="Swap:" text x=175 y=223 sensor=memory format="%us MB" align=right text x=230 y=223 sensor=memory format="%fs MB" align=right text x=280 y=223 sensor=memory format="%ts MB" align=right ### Hard Disk text x=25 y=263 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="HDD :" text x=69 y=263 value="Mount" shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=170 y=263 value="Used " align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=210 y=263 value="Free" align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=260 y=263 value="Total" align=right shadow=1 bgcolor=96,96,96 text x=75 y=282 value="/" text x=175 y=282 sensor=disk mountpoint="/" format="%u MB " interval=60000 align=right text x=210 y=282 sensor=disk mountpoint="/" format="%fg GB" interval=60000 align=right text x=230 y=282 sensor=disk mountpoint="/" format="%tg GB" interval=60000 align=right" text x=75 y=297 fontsize=10 value="big" text x=175 y=297 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/big" format="%u MB " interval=60000 align=right text x=210 y=297 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/big" format="%fg GB" interval=60000 align=right text x=230 y=297 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/big" format="%tg GB" interval=60000 align=right" text x=75 y=312 fontsize=10 value="backup" text x=175 y=312 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/backup" format="%u MB " interval=60000 align=right text x=210 y=312 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/backup" format="%fg GB" interval=60000 align=right text x=230 y=312 sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/backup" format="%tg GB" interval=60000 align=right" #text x=75 y=238 fontsize=10 value="Swap:" # Internet text x=25 y=329 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="Internet wlan0 : " text x=75 y=345 fontsize=10 value="Download:" text x=155 y=345 fontsize=10 sensor=network device="wlan0" format="%in kB/s" decimals=1 color=1,247,1 interval=1000 text x=75 y=360 fontsize=10 value="Upload:" text x=155 y=360 sensor=network device="wlan0" format="%out kB/s" decimals=1 color=1,247,1 interval=1000 text x=210 y=360 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'TX byte' | awk '{print $7 $8}'" interval=30000 text x=210 y=345 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'RX byte' | awk '{print $3 $4}'" interval=30000 text x=75 y=375 fontsize=10 value="IP Local:" text x=75 y=390 fontsize=10 value="IP Extern :" text x=155 y=375 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1" interval=10000 text x=155 y=390 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="rm -rf .temp ; mkdir .temp ; cd .temp ; wget && cat index.html | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '<' -f 1 ; cd .. ; rm -rf .temp" interval=100000 #Bateri scrypt # Battery - Type text x=25 y=410 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="Battery : " text x=75 y=420 value="Battery Type:" text x=120 y=420 sensor=program program="cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info | grep 'battery type' | cut -d : -f2" # Battery - Online or Offline text x=75 y=435 value="Adapter:" text x=162 y=435 sensor=program program="acpi -V | grep AC | sed 's/.*: //'" interval=2000 # Battery - Charged text x=75 y=450 value="Charged:" text x=167 y=450 sensor=program program="acpi -b | sed 's/.*(...%).*/1/'" interval=2000 # Battery - Life text x=75 y=465 value="Life:" text x=108 y=465 sensor=program program="acpi -b | sed 's/.*, //'" interval=2000 # Email # tu setup your email edit this line program="/home/kilah/Desktop/unix/ kilah xxxx" # - pop3 mail server # kilah - email user # xxxx - password text x=25 y=480 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="Email : " clickarea X=25 Y=495 W=55 H=55 ONCLICK="thunderbird" text x=75 y=490 value="" color=230,230,230 fontsize=13 font="neuropol" shadow=0 text x=75 y=515 W=190 H=35 sensor=program program="/home/kilah/Desktop/unix/ kilah xxxx" color=230,230,230 fontsize=10 font="neuropol" interval=6000 shadow-0 # date & time text x=25 y=545 value="Time and Date :" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 text x=75 y=560 value="Date :" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 text x=130 y=560 color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 font="Sans" shadow=0 sensor=time format="ddd , dd MMM yyyy" text x=75 y=575 value="Time :" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 text x=130 y=575 color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 font="Sans" shadow=0 sensor=time format="hh:mm" # Run Command #text x=25 y=560 value="Run Command" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 #input x=75 y=570 w=160 h=20 color=230,230,230 fontsize=10 name=command #Top process #text x=160 y=550 sensor=cpu cpu=0 format="CPU1: %v% /" align=right fontsize=10 #text x=320 y=405 sensor=cpu cpu=1 format="CPU2: %v%" align=right text x=25 y=600 value="Top Process:" fontsize=10 text x=190 y=600 fontsize=10 sensor=program program="ps axo comm,user,pcpu --sort pcpu | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1,$3}'" align="right" text x=215 y=600 fontsize=10 value="%" align=right #text x=190 y=560 sensor=program program="ps axo comm,user,pcpu --sort pcpu | tail -n2" align=right #--------------------------------------- #TCP Connections text x=25 y=620 value="TCP Connections:" align=left color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 text x=130 y=620 sensor=program program="netstat -n | grep -c tcp" #text x=75 y=590 sensor=program program="netstat | grep -m 14 tcp | awk '{print $5}'" align=left fontsize=9 #text x=155 y=450 sensor=program program="netstat | grep -m 14 tcp | awk '{print $6}'" align=left color=255,255,255 fontsize=9 #text x=25 y=550 fontsize=11 shadow=0 value="inca ceva?"
Czyli w # Internet zmieiamy sterownik z eth0 na taki jak używamy (sprawdzamy to poleceniem iwconfig w consoli)!
Czyli w # Internet zmieiamy sterownik z eth0 na taki jak używamy (sprawdzamy to poleceniem iwconfig w consoli)!
to jeszce dla potomnych sprostuje ze nie sterownik tylko nazw interfejsu , isprawdzamy (jak by ktos niewiedzial) :P ifconfig :P iwconfig to dla radiowek jest longerku:P
pzdr aki
ktos kiedys powiedzial debian? ja odpowiedzialem czemu nie , i tak zostalo :)
linux register user #449139
>>>>>>>>sorki za błędy jestem dyslektykiem <<<<<<<<<<<<
oj [b]aki[/b] troche trupa odkopales ;)
to ja dodam jeszcze ze bardzo fajny konsolowy program do zliczania ruchu w sieci jest [i][b]vnstat[/b][/i]
Time (s) | Query |
0.00011 | SET CHARSET latin2 |
0.00004 | SET NAMES latin2 |
0.00132 | SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged FROM punbb_users AS u INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON u.group_id=g.g_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON o.ident='' WHERE |
0.00069 | REPLACE INTO punbb_online (user_id, ident, logged) VALUES(1, '', 1732964848) |
0.00045 | SELECT * FROM punbb_online WHERE logged<1732964548 |
0.00055 | SELECT topic_id FROM punbb_posts WHERE id=70218 |
0.00074 | SELECT id FROM punbb_posts WHERE topic_id=9093 ORDER BY posted |
0.00065 | SELECT t.subject, t.closed, t.num_replies, t.sticky, AS forum_id, f.forum_name, f.moderators, fp.post_replies, 0 FROM punbb_topics AS t INNER JOIN punbb_forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN punbb_forum_perms AS fp ON ( AND fp.group_id=3) WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND AND t.moved_to IS NULL |
0.00005 | SELECT search_for, replace_with FROM punbb_censoring |
0.00111 | SELECT, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.registered, u.admin_note,, p.poster AS username, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.hide_smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by, g.g_id, g.g_user_title, o.user_id AS is_online FROM punbb_posts AS p INNER JOIN punbb_users AS u ON INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON ( AND o.user_id!=1 AND o.idle=0) WHERE p.topic_id=9093 ORDER BY LIMIT 0,25 |
0.00078 | UPDATE punbb_topics SET num_views=num_views+1 WHERE id=9093 |
Total query time: 0.00649 s |