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#1  2020-03-12 10:32:21

  amarawatt - Nowy użytkownik

Nowy użytkownik
Zarejestrowany: 2020-03-12

EdbMails for Office 365 tenant to tenant migration

Office 365 tenant to tenant migration is getting fame everywhere. It can be achieved via native solutions which include lengthy procedures and involve execution of complex codes. The third party tool like EdbMails Office 365 Migration makes the migration process very simpler and easier than the native solution.

Office 365 tenant to tenant migration is essential during mergers and acquisitions.  When organizations which are depending on Office 365 planning to merge as per the business requirement, then all the information need to move from tenant to tenant. EdbMails [url=]Office 365 migration[/url] tool fulfills this requirement in time.

Office 365 Migration tool


EdbMails ensures the safe and secure migration of all the data from Office 365 to Office 365. It supports incremental migration upon consecutive migration on same system.  The tool automatically sets impersonation rights for source and destination tenants. It automatically maps mailboxes between source and destination tenants. The software allows you to create mailboxes on destination server automatically.

The tool provides a ‘Free Trial’ version which allows the migration of 30 items from each and every folder between the tenants.



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Time (s) Query
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0.00073 SELECT * FROM punbb_online WHERE logged<1738034639
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Total query time: 0.01345 s