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#1  2009-10-10 18:34:15

  zielony001 - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2008-09-02

PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

Ostatnio zachęcony pozytywnymi opiniami na dugu zainstalowałem PLD th z cri. Problem pojawił się już na początku, gdy chciałem doinstalować trochę softu z repo.
Poldek uparł sie i przy jakiejkolwiek próbie użycia wyświetla: "connection timed out". Sprawdziłem, net chodzi. Pingi na przykładowe itp chodzą stronki w lynx też.
Pogrzebałem na google, ale znalazłem tylko porady typu: "sprawdź kable" (sprawdzone kilkukrotnie), tyle że np. debian odpalony na tym sprzęcie chodzi ładnie. Mam więc takie pytanie czy jest coś w konfiguracji samego poldka co może powodować takie objawy?



#2  2009-10-10 19:18:11

  azhag - Admin łajza

Admin łajza
Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 2005-11-15

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

[quote=zielony001]Mam więc takie pytanie czy jest coś w konfiguracji samego poldka co może powodować takie objawy?[/quote]
Owszem. Jakie repozytoria masz podane?

Błogosławieni, którzy czynią FAQ.
[url=]opencaching[/url] :: [url=]debian sources.list[/url] :: [url=]coś jakby blog[/url] :: [url=]polski portal debiana[/url] :: linux user #403712



#3  2009-10-10 20:50:18

  zielony001 - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2008-09-02

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

jak narazie z braku lepszego pomysłu standardowe z instalacji :)



# PLD Linux Distribution <>.
# Main sources for PLD Linux 3.0 (Th)

# specify our packages architecture
_arch   = i686

# main PLD-site for often changed things (test, ready):
_pld_main_prefix =

## Some mirrors
## You can use them if you have better connection there
#_prefix =
_prefix = %{_pld_main_prefix}

# PLD Linux 3.0 (Th): main sources
type   = pndir
name   = th
path   = %{_prefix}/PLD/%{_arch}/RPMS/
auto   = yes
autoup = yes
type   = pndir
name   = th
path   = %{_prefix}/PLD/noarch/RPMS/
auto   = yes
autoup = yes
# PLD Linux 3.0 (Th): obsolete sources (kde3, ...)
type   = pndir
name   = th-obsolete
path   = %{_prefix}/obsolete/%{_arch}/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

type   = pndir
name   = th-obsolete
path   = %{_prefix}/obsolete/noarch/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

# PLD Linux 3.0 (Th): ready sources (testing stage before moved to main)
type   = pndir
name   = th-ready
path   = %{_pld_main_prefix}/ready/%{_arch}/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

type   = pndir
name   = th-ready
path   = %{_pld_main_prefix}/ready/noarch/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

# PLD Linux 3.0 (Th): test sources (built packages to be moved to ready)
type   = pndir
name   = th-test
path   = %{_pld_main_prefix}/test/%{_arch}/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

type   = pndir
name   = th-test
path   = %{_pld_main_prefix}/test/noarch/RPMS/
auto   = no
autoup = no

na wszelki wypadek podam jeszcze poldek.conf


# poldek main configuration file.

# Some macros. Macros are local, they are not visible in included files
# and macros declared in them are not visible to includer.
# Macros names starts with underscore '_'.

# Both local and remote files may be included. Included files may not contain
# [global] section, it will be ignored anyway.

# local sources
%include source.conf

# /etc/poldek/repos.d/*.conf
%includedir repos.d

# External downloaders configuration, not necessary in most cases, cause
# to internal HTTP and FTP client.
#%include fetch.conf


# This parameter allows to configure the default repository index type.
#default index type = pndir

# Cache directory for downloaded files. NOTE that parent directory of cachedir
# must exist.
cachedir = $HOME/.poldek-cache

# Switch to ordinary user at startup when executed by root
#runas = poldek

# Permits using root privileges for installation only. If set to "auto" then
# automatically turned on when poldek executed as ordinary user.
#use sudo = auto

# Load /etc/apt/sources.list.
#load apt sources list = no

# Handle gzipped indexes externally (needed on RedHat 9 and Fedora Core 1 and 2).
# This option is a workaround for broken zlib linked into librpm; with enabled
# 'auto zlib in rpm' poldek tries to detect such case and then enables external
# *.gz handling automatically.
#vfile external compress = no

# Auto detection of zlib linked into librpm. See 'vfile external compress'
# description.
#auto zlib in rpm = yes

# Automatically download whole index if incremental update fails.
#autoupa = yes

# Do not save given paths into created indexes. This option may significantly
# reduce index size. Example (notice missing starting '/'):
# exclude path = usr/share/doc:usr/share/man:usr/src
#exclude path = 

# Full path name to a PM (rpm for now) binary.
#pm command = /bin/rpm

# Full path name to sudo binary.
#sudo command = /usr/bin/sudo

### File downloaders configuration

# Send ${USER}@${HOSTNAME} as anonymous FTP password (by default
# '' is sent)
#vfile ftp sysuser as anon passwd = no

# File getters configuration parameter. By this option URL handlers may be configured.
# To get file from HTTP and FTP servers poldek uses its internal client (what is
# recommended), although it can be changedby this option. Others protocols handled
# by external utilities can be configured also. The syntax is:
# default fetcher = PROTOCOL[,PROTOCOL...]:FETCHER_NAME

# where FETCHER_NAME is a name of one of the fetcher preconfigured in [fetch]
# sections (placed in fetch.conf in default configuration).
# Examples:
# default fetcher = ftp,http:internal
# default fetcher = https:wget
# default fetcher = cdrom:vfjuggle
# vfjuggle is a cdrom getter supplied with poldek.
#default fetcher = http,ftp: internal

# Proxies for internal FTP and HTTP client may be configured in usual
# way, by environment variables ftp_proxy and http_proxy, or by this option.
# Its syntax is similar to "default fetcher" one:
# Example:
# proxy = http:
#proxy = 

# Comma separated list of hosts or domains which will not be accessed via proxy.
# Option overrides no_proxy environment variable.
# Example:
# noproxy = localhost, .pl,
#noproxy = 

# Internal HTTP and FTP client is stubborn, it retries to retrive
# file if connection breaks. This option tells it how many times
# it should try.
#vfile retries = 128

### Installation options

# Install packages in small groups instead of doing all-or-nothing
# installations.
#particle install = yes

# Do not remove downloaded packages after its successful installation.
#keep downloads = no

# Controls visibility of multiple package instances with different EVR.
# If on, only one, highest version will be visible.
#unique package names = no

# Epoch autopromotion during dependency comparision. RPM specific.
# Set it up if you are using system with rpm prior to 4.2.1 version.
#promoteepoch = no

# Confirm packages installation.
#confirm installation = no

# Confirm packages removal.
#confirm removal = yes

# Let the user select package among equivalents.
choose equivalents manually = yes

# Prevent package listed from being upgraded if they are already installed.
hold = kernel*

# Ignore package list - packages fits given mask will be invisible.
# ignore = *-smp-* foo*
ignore = vserver-packages
#ignore = 

# Conflicts with already installed packages are treated as resolved
# if at least one of multiple-installed package satisfies conflict.
# rpm doesn't support such cases, so --pm-nodeps is needed (use with
# care).
#allow duplicates = yes

### RPM specific options

# rpm macros can be set by this option. Examples:
# rpmdef   = _install_langs pl:pl_PL:lt:lt_LT
# Do not install any documentation:
# rpmdef  = _netsharedpath /usr/share/info:/usr/share/man
# rpmdef  = _excludedocs 1
# If non-zero, all erasures will be automagically repackaged.
# rpmdef  = _repackage_all_erasures 1
#rpmdef = 

### Dependency processing settings
# Subtle dependency processing options, they should not be changed
# unless you know what you are doing

# RPM 4.4.6 introduces auto dependencies based on package directories.
# Option controls this feature.
#auto directory dependencies = auto

# Automatically install packages required by installed ones.
#follow = yes

# Greedy upgrades, i.e. upgrade packages which dependencies are broken
# by being uninstalled ones.
#greedy = yes

# Be yet more greedy; if successor of orphaned package found, and this
# successor drags no packages then upgrade the package instead of process
# its dependencies. Option value is implied by 'greedy' one by defalut.
#aggressive greedy = yes

# Be tolerant for unmatched versioned dependencies which rpm tolerates, e.g.
# package A requires capability foo >= 1.0 while package B provides "foo"
# without any version. Use with care, it may cause weird dependency errors.
#mercy = no

# Taking into account package Suggests.
#suggests = yes

# Taking into account package Obsoletes.
#obsoletes = yes

# Taking into account package Conflicts.
#conflicts = yes



#4  2009-10-11 09:45:45

  svL - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2007-06-17

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

sprawdź inny serwer

"God, root, what is difference?"



#5  2009-10-13 23:06:47

  zielony001 - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2008-09-02

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

Niestety bez zmian. Czy problem może być związany z tą finezyjną konstrukcją pliku z repozytoriami, mam na myśli te wszystkie zmienne typu: "_prefix" ?



#6  2009-10-14 19:45:34

  svL - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2007-06-17

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

nie chce mi się porównywać z Twoim plikiem konf, tu masz mój

"God, root, what is difference?"



#7  2009-10-18 16:12:57

  zielony001 - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2008-09-02

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

z niewiadomych przyczyn, nie pomogło. spróbuje jeszcze klasyszcznej reinstalacji - może pomoże, a jak nie to zawsze można wrócić do debiana:)
dzięki za pomoc i cierpliwość.



#8  2009-10-18 20:56:23

  svL - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2007-06-17

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

dobra trochę się wyjaśniło, były ruchy na serwerze i jeszcze nie wszystko gra ;)
_pld_main_prefix =
na takim ustawieniu w pld.conf u mnie działa, te które podałem poprzednio nie bardzo

"God, root, what is difference?"



#9  2009-12-20 19:51:35

  ippo76 - fakam fszycho

fakam fszycho
Zarejestrowany: 2009-02-22

Re: PLD - net jest, a poldek wyświetla connection timed out

Podniosę temat,

też mi się zachciało pld, usiłuję postawić z chroota, [url=]wg tego opisu[/url] ale "utykam" w p.3.
Klepię tar tfvj i zaczyna wypakowywać, oto końcówka tego, co wypluwa:



Potem próba chroota:


blaszak:~$ sudo chroot /mnt/pld/
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory

i kupa; nie wiem, co jest grane, bo w folderze /mnt/pld nie ma żadnych plików; tar -xvjf też daje taki sam rezultat...

Nie wiem, co schrzaniłem, ale wypakował mi to do /home, przy okazji (używałem sudo) zmienił mi właściciela /home na roota..... nic nie rozumiem...

Jak się samo zesr.ło, tak się samo naprawiło... Chyba mam wirusa :)

Ostatnio edytowany przez ippo76 (2009-12-20 20:21:18)

Moja składka do ZUS = 2/3, moja składka do OFE = 1/3;
Stan mojego konta w ZUS = 2XYZ, stan konta w OFE = 3XYZ.



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