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Witam , proszę o pomoc przy konfiguracji motion, coś nie bardzo chce działać...
Karta na pci UCC4 przechwytuje obraz. Karta jest na conexant 878a, więc używam bttv.
~# dmesg | grep bttv [ 5.371125] bttv: driver version 0.9.18 loaded [ 5.371137] bttv: using 8 buffers with 2080k (520 pages) each for capture [ 5.372106] bttv: Bt8xx card found (0). [ 5.372151] bttv 0000:00:08.0: PCI INT A -> Link[LNKA] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 [ 5.372175] bttv0: Bt878 (rev 17) at 0000:00:08.0, irq: 11, latency: 32, mmio: 0xf6000000 [ 5.372330] bttv0: using: *** UNKNOWN/GENERIC *** [card=0,autodetected] [ 5.372340] IRQ 11/bttv0: IRQF_DISABLED is not guaranteed on shared IRQs [ 5.372392] bttv0: gpio: en=00000000, out=00000000 in=00eff0ff [init] [ 11.804066] bttv0: tuner type unset [ 11.804461] bttv0: registered device video0 [ 11.804645] bttv0: registered device vbi0
Oczywiście zainstalowany motion, przy uruchomieniu motion -n
~# motion -n [0] Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf [0] Motion 3.2.12 Started [0] ffmpeg LIBAVCODEC_BUILD 3412993 LIBAVFORMAT_BUILD 3415808 [0] Thread 1 is from /etc/motion/motion.conf [0] motion-httpd/3.2.12 running, accepting connections [0] motion-httpd: waiting for data on port TCP 8080 [1] Thread 1 started [1] cap.driver: "bttv" [1] cap.card: "BT878 video ( *** UNKNOWN/GENER" [1] cap.bus_info: "PCI:0000:00:08.0" [1] cap.capabilities=0x05000015 [1] - VIDEO_CAPTURE [1] - VIDEO_OVERLAY [1] - VBI_CAPTURE [1] - READWRITE [1] - STREAMING [1] Test palette YU12 (320x240) [1] Using palette YU12 (320x240) bytesperlines 320 sizeimage 115200 colorspace 00000000 [1] found control 0x00980900, "Brightness", range 0,65535 [1] "Brightness", default 32768, current 51199 [1] found control 0x00980901, "Contrast", range 0,65535 [1] "Contrast", default 32768, current 12799 [1] found control 0x00980902, "Saturation", range 0,65535 [1] "Saturation", default 32768, current 51199 [1] found control 0x00980903, "Hue", range 0,65535 [1] "Hue", default 32768, current 32768 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x00000000, "42", range 0,0 !DISABLED! [1] "42", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x08000000, "chroma agc", range 0,1 [1] "chroma agc", default 0, current 0 [1] found control 0x08000001, "combfilter", range 0,1 [1] "combfilter", default 0, current 0 [1] mmap information: [1] frames=4 [1] 0 length=118784 [1] 1 length=118784 [1] 2 length=118784 [1] 3 length=118784 [1] Using V4L2 [1] Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items [1] Started stream webcam server in port 8081
Niestety , próbuje wejść na stronę http://adres:8081 - nic się nie wyświetla, mam inną stronę na porcie 80 i działa bez problemu (serwer to apache2)
pomoże mi kto zdiagnozować problem?
Dziękuje i pozdrawiam
Tu serwer nie ma nic do tego na tym etapie nie jest potrzebny .Sprawdź na adresie w przeglądarce ;
lub jak masz vlc ;
vlc http://localhost:8081
Jak działa (a wygląda że działa ), to zmień w /etc/motion/motion.conf linie ;
webcam_localhost on # na off
No i zostaje zapora.
Witam, dziwna sprawa bo localhost:8080 działa i włącza sie stronka do konfiguracji, natomiast na porcie 8081 cisza, w logach nic nie ma niepokojącego. Nie potrafię tego zdiagnozować.
Zapory nie mam w ogóle.Macie jakiś pomysł?
Sprawdź ;
ls /dev/ | grep video
Jak jest kilka to np.
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 tv://
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1 tv://
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video2 tv://
Jak któryś gra to zmień odpowiednio w /etc/motion/motion.conf linie ;
videodevice /dev/video1
Ostatnio edytowany przez jawojx (2013-04-13 13:40:27)
witam, mam tylko jedno /dev/video0
~# mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 tv:// MPlayer 1.0rc3-4.4.4 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team mplayer: could not connect to socket mplayer: No such file or directory Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control. Playing tv://. TV file format detected. Selected driver: v4l2 name: Video 4 Linux 2 input author: Martin Olschewski <> comment: first try, more to come ;-) Selected device: BT878 video (MATRIX-Vision MV-D Tuner cap: Tuner rxs: MONO Capabilites: video capture video overlay VBI capture device tuner read/write streaming supported norms: 0 = NTSC; 1 = NTSC-M; 2 = NTSC-M-JP; 3 = NTSC-M-KR; 4 = PAL; 5 = PAL-BG; 6 = PAL-H; 7 = PAL-I; 8 = PAL-DK; 9 = PAL-M; 10 = PAL-N; 11 = PAL-Nc; 12 = PAL-60; 13 = SECAM; 14 = SECAM-B; 15 = SECAM-G; 16 = SECAM-H; 17 = SECAM-DK; 18 = SECAM-L; 19 = SECAM-Lc; inputs: 0 = Television; 1 = Composite1; 2 = Composite2; 3 = S-Video; 4 = Composite4; Current input: 0 Current format: YVU420 v4l2: current audio mode is : MONO v4l2: ioctl queue buffer failed: Device or resource busy v4l2: 0 frames successfully processed, 0 frames dropped. Exiting... (End of file)
problem z tym że mam jedno video i właśnie video0, więc konfiguracja powinna być ok, a nic nie wystawia...I jeszcze jedno mnie trapi, karta to MVdelta 4xbnc, skąd system ma wiedzieć pod który kanał jest podłączona kamera?
Ostatnio edytowany przez tipsntrix (2013-04-13 14:48:28)
Do jakiego wejścia masz podłączoną tą kamerę ? ;
inputs: 0 = Television; 1 = Composite1; 2 = Composite2; 3 = S-Video; 4 = Composite4;
Jak to jest np Composite4 , to sprawdź ;
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:input=4 tv://
Dodałem ;
I jak działa to odpowiednio zmień /etc/motion/motion.conf linie , np. ;
input 3
Ostatnio edytowany przez jawojx (2013-04-13 17:47:59)
Dostaje taką odp:
~# mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:input=1 tv:// MPlayer 1.0rc3-4.4.4 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team mplayer: could not connect to socket mplayer: No such file or directory Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control. Playing tv://. TV file format detected. Selected driver: v4l2 name: Video 4 Linux 2 input author: Martin Olschewski <> comment: first try, more to come ;-) Selected device: BT878 video (MATRIX-Vision MV-D Tuner cap: Tuner rxs: MONO Capabilites: video capture video overlay VBI capture device tuner read/write streaming supported norms: 0 = NTSC; 1 = NTSC-M; 2 = NTSC-M-JP; 3 = NTSC-M-KR; 4 = PAL; 5 = PAL-BG; 6 = PAL-H; 7 = PAL-I; 8 = PAL-DK; 9 = PAL-M; 10 = PAL-N; 11 = PAL-Nc; 12 = PAL-60; 13 = SECAM; 14 = SECAM-B; 15 = SECAM-G; 16 = SECAM-H; 17 = SECAM-DK; 18 = SECAM-L; 19 = SECAM-Lc; inputs: 0 = Television; 1 = Composite1; 2 = Composite2; 3 = S-Video; 4 = Composite4; Current input: 1 Current format: YVU420 v4l2: current audio mode is : MONO vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()! Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device. v4l2: 0 frames successfully processed, 0 frames dropped. Exiting... (End of file)
Zmieniłem w /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf linie #vo=x11 na vo=x11
dalej lipa
A czy mplayer dział z czymś , z jakimiś filmem ? np.
mplayer -vo xv jakis_film
Time (s) | Query |
0.00013 | SET CHARSET latin2 |
0.00006 | SET NAMES latin2 |
0.00135 | SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged FROM punbb_users AS u INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON u.group_id=g.g_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON o.ident='' WHERE |
0.00077 | REPLACE INTO punbb_online (user_id, ident, logged) VALUES(1, '', 1734195766) |
0.00044 | SELECT * FROM punbb_online WHERE logged<1734195466 |
0.00035 | SELECT topic_id FROM punbb_posts WHERE id=230027 |
0.00006 | SELECT id FROM punbb_posts WHERE topic_id=23330 ORDER BY posted |
0.00040 | SELECT t.subject, t.closed, t.num_replies, t.sticky, AS forum_id, f.forum_name, f.moderators, fp.post_replies, 0 FROM punbb_topics AS t INNER JOIN punbb_forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN punbb_forum_perms AS fp ON ( AND fp.group_id=3) WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND AND t.moved_to IS NULL |
0.00005 | SELECT search_for, replace_with FROM punbb_censoring |
0.00065 | SELECT, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.registered, u.admin_note,, p.poster AS username, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.hide_smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by, g.g_id, g.g_user_title, o.user_id AS is_online FROM punbb_posts AS p INNER JOIN punbb_users AS u ON INNER JOIN punbb_groups AS g ON g.g_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN punbb_online AS o ON ( AND o.user_id!=1 AND o.idle=0) WHERE p.topic_id=23330 ORDER BY LIMIT 0,25 |
0.00085 | UPDATE punbb_topics SET num_views=num_views+1 WHERE id=23330 |
Total query time: 0.00511 s |