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#1  2017-12-10 17:15:47

  hubot - Użytkownik

Zarejestrowany: 2017-04-13

Instalacja GNOME na Gentoo

Chciałbym jednak przejść na bardziej wygodne środowisko graficzne niż i3. Próbuję zainstalować GNOME. Używam OpenRC. Jednak w trakcie próby skompilowania GNOME wyskakuje mi błąd:


tux ~ # emerge --ask --verbose --keep-going gnome-base/gnome 

 * IMPORTANT: 16 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy "net-misc/curl[ssl,curl_ssl_nss]".
!!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
- net-misc/curl-7.57.0::gentoo (Change USE: +curl_ssl_nss, this change violates use flag constraints defined by net-misc/curl-7.57.0: 'curl_ssl_winssl? ( elibc_Winnt ) threads? ( !adns ) ssl? ( exactly-one-of ( curl_ssl_axtls curl_ssl_gnutls curl_ssl_libressl curl_ssl_mbedtls curl_ssl_nss curl_ssl_openssl curl_ssl_winssl ) )')
(dependency required by "net-libs/liboauth-1.0.3::gentoo[nss,curl]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.9-r1::dantrell-gnome" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-extra/california-0.4.0-r1::dantrell-gnome" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps-3.24.0::dantrell-gnome-3-24[california]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnome-3.24.0::dantrell-gnome-3-24[extras]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnometux ~ # emerge --ask --verbose --keep-going gnome-base/gnome 

 * IMPORTANT: 16 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy "net-misc/curl[ssl,curl_ssl_nss]".
!!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
- net-misc/curl-7.57.0::gentoo (Change USE: +curl_ssl_nss, this change violates use flag constraints defined by net-misc/curl-7.57.0: 'curl_ssl_winssl? ( elibc_Winnt ) threads? ( !adns ) ssl? ( exactly-one-of ( curl_ssl_axtls curl_ssl_gnutls curl_ssl_libressl curl_ssl_mbedtls curl_ssl_nss curl_ssl_openssl curl_ssl_winssl ) )')
(dependency required by "net-libs/liboauth-1.0.3::gentoo[nss,curl]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.9-r1::dantrell-gnome" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-extra/california-0.4.0-r1::dantrell-gnome" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps-3.24.0::dantrell-gnome-3-24[california]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnome-3.24.0::dantrell-gnome-3-24[extras]" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "gnome-base/gnome" [argument])
" [argument])

Pomoże ktoś?



#2  2017-12-11 02:04:47

  Jacekalex - Podobno człowiek...;)

Podobno człowiek...;)
Skąd: /dev/urandom
Zarejestrowany: 2008-01-07

Re: Instalacja GNOME na Gentoo

Potrzebny do Gnome jest [b]curl[/b] z supportem SSL.
Czego nie rozumiesz? masz to napisane czarno na białym.

W [b]/etc/portage/make.conf[/b] ustaw sobie zmienną  przykładowo:






Zależy, z której biblioteki SSL ma u Ciebie korzystać.

To by było na tyle

Curl u mnie:


[i] net-misc/curl
     Available versions:  7.55.1^t{tbz2} ~7.56.0^t 7.56.1^t{tbz2} 7.57.0^t{tbz2} {adns http2 idn ipv6 kerberos ldap metalink rtmp samba ssh ssl static-libs test threads ABI_MIPS="n32 n64 o32" ABI_PPC="32 64" ABI_S390="32 64" ABI_X86="32 64 x32" CURL_SSL="axtls gnutls libressl mbedtls nss +openssl winssl" ELIBC="Winnt"}
     Installed versions:  7.57.0^t{tbz2}(02:11:47 11.12.2017)(http2 idn ipv6 metalink rtmp ssh ssl static-libs threads -adns -kerberos -ldap -samba -test ABI_MIPS="-n32 -n64 -o32" ABI_PPC="-32 -64" ABI_S390="-32 -64" ABI_X86="32 64 -x32" CURL_SSL="gnutls -axtls -libressl -mbedtls -nss -openssl -winssl" ELIBC="-Winnt")
     Description:         A Client that groks URLs

Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacekalex (2017-12-11 02:16:33)

W demokracji każdy naród ma taką władzę, na jaką zasługuje ;)
Si vis pacem  para bellum  ;)       |       Pozdrawiam :)



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